Hidden Messages in the "THE ECONOMIST" Magazine 27th June Edition!

Hidden Messages in the "THE ECONOMIST" Magazine 27th, June Edition

Hello, Today i am here to discuss about the conspiracy and mystery on "The Economist" which is an international weekly newspaper printed in magazine-format and published digitally that focuses on current affairs, international business, politics, and technology. Based in London, England, the newspaper is owned by The Economist Group, with core editorial offices in the United States, as well as across major cities in continental Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. But here is a strange fact (not mystery) about this The Economist magazine[Official website]. In every week, this magazine publishes new magazines with new cover page. And it contains full of messages inside the cover page. We have to decode the images, headlines, quotes to understand the hidden messages. It contains many future predictions on world civilization, world economies, world technology, present situation of world and many more. 

In this month of June, The Economist also published a magazine. Let's decode it and discover what future predictions and present situations are encoded on the cover page of it (27th June Edition). [LINK]



FIRST OF ALL, notice the family those are sitting on the couch (P.F-2). There are three family member, one child and his parents (his mother and father) and a cat is also left side of the child. The parents and the Cat wear a 'Gas Mask' which is designed to filter harmful chemical and biological agents, as well as irradiated particles from the air to allow the wearer to breathe safely. It is specifically used during chemical war (Nuclear War) or biological war. But their child does not wear the protective gas mask, he only wear a protective helmet (which is used by a soldier). 


It can be a prediction of biological or chemical war. In the present COVID-19 situation, we everyone know that mask is mandatory for every people to prevent COVID-19. And we also know about the tension of China-India, China-USA .And other countries are also against of China's dictatorship and dirty politics. Is it a gesture to a Chemical war (Nuclear war). 

And the child (P.F-3) who is looking sad and crying. It can be indicated to the corruption of children's education system, and their brutal experience during a war. Or it also a gesture to the use of children in war.


SECOND, check out the photo frames behind them on the wall:(P.F-2)

This photo-frame (P.F-4) is a picture of a 'Nuclear bomb blast' or a 'Chemical war' or 'Nuclear war'. Which can be caused by the reason that i discussed in upper section. This war can be caused by the China-US, China-India tension.


This photo-frame (P.F-5) is a picture of a 'Solar flare'. A solar flare is a sudden flash or increased brightness on the Sun, usually observed near its surface and in close proximity to a sunspot group. Powerful flares are often, but not always. It's also a solar storm which performs very rarely. 


But If a huge solar flare performs or hit Earth, it would affect earth's magnetic field, emit X-rays and ultraviolet light, which would reach Earth's atmosphere and interfere with electronics, as well as radio and satellite signals. It will be a great disaster to the Earth. Human civilization, Communication system everything will be affected. This photo-frame can be a indication of this phenomenon. 

Hopefully GOD will save us from this disasters. 

(Sun flare picture which can affect Earth's magnetic field)

THIRD, this photo-frame (P.F-6) is a picture of virus, bacteria. This can be a indication of our present COVID-19 situation, it can be also a gesture to the grownup of the pandemic, or many man-made viruses can be appeared in future. 


FOURTH, in this picture (P.F-7), you can see three birds are flying in their group, but one of a bird is falling downward. It can be a indication of the changing of earth's magnetic field, because research shows that bird can detect Earth's magnetic field. And Earth's magnetic field is also responsible for bird's flying. If Earth's magnetic field changes, it will affect birds, as i mentioned Earth's magnetic field can be affected if the solar flare hit earth's magnetic field. And everyone have also heard the news that Earth's magnetic field/poles are swaping. So this picture can be a indication of this natural phenomenon. But it can be also a indication of 'Climate change', 'Global warming'. That is why birds can be fallen like that.



FIFTH, this photo-frame (P.F-8) is a picture of a asteroid which is approaching towards the Earth, it can be a indication of the recent news which was issued by NASA. NASA has issued a warning that a huge “Asteroid 2020 ND” will move past Earth on July 24. And it can be dangerous for our Earth.[Article Link]


SIXTH, this photo-frame (P.F-9) is a picture of a penguin who is standing on a small piece of a glacier. It can be indication of the 'Global warming', 'Climate change' effects on Antarctica. As per recent news, a preliminary analysis of global temperature data for July, 2020 suggests it may have "marginally" become the warmest month on record. [Article Link


(July,2020 Global warming report by BBC, taken from here)

SEVENTH, this photoframe (P.F-10) is a picture of volcano eruption. In the Earth, there is around 1,500 active volcanoes. As per recent incidents, there is many earthquakes occurred. In this present situation, if any of the volcanoes erupt, it would affect Earth's climate, environment. If volcano eruption gets high level, then it can be cause of hazardous effects for the environment, climate, and the health of the exposed persons, and are associated with the deterioration of social and economic conditions. Among the hazards in distant areas are the effects of toxic volcanic ashes and problems of the respiratory system, eyes and skin, as well as psychological effects, injuries, transport and communication problems, waste disposal and water supplies issues, collapse of buildings and power outage. Further effects are the deterioration of water quality, fewer periods of rain, crop damages, and the destruction of vegetation. It can be a gesture of this natural phenomenon. Do you want to know what can be possible if volcano ashes covers huge areas please go to this LINK.


EIGHTH, this photo-frame (P.F-11) is a picture of 'Pig'. Pigs are used in lab for scientific experiments. Do you know? On October,2019 a group of 15 business people, government officials, and health experts gathered around a table in New York to plan out the global response to a worldwide outbreak of a never-before-seen and completely fictional disease. They organized a computer simulation on a fictional disease ('LIKE COVID-19') at the center of the 'Event 201'. It is a collaboration between the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the World Economic Forum, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The fictional disease was called CAPS, and it started with pigs in Brazil before spreading to farmers, not unlike how 2019-nCoV reportedly began with animals before spreading to people. In the simulation, CAPS infected people all across the globe within six months, and by the 18-month mark, it had killed 65 million people and triggered a global financial crisis. And note that researchers from the University of Nottingham, UK and University of Sao Paulo, Brazil proposed a triangular hypothesis: They said three species:  'BATS, PIGS and HUMANS' have come close enough to promote the evolution of an infectious virus, possibly because of the industrialization of agriculture.


***And the most important point, the 'Event 201' was conducted by BILL GATES (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation). It was the main reason, major Americans believed that Bill Gates made this COVID-19 to micro-chipping people. So that they started the petition against him.**

        (Event 201, image taken from here)

[Article Link 1]

[Article Link 2]

These articles will support you to learn more about the "Event 201"

                    (image taken from here)

NINETH, in the picture, at the top of the photo-frames a wall clock (P.F-12) is hanged. And you can notice the time is indicating that 'IT IS ABOUT TO 12 O'CLOCK'. That means the day is officially ENDS. In our regular conversation, we very much use it to indicate any TROUBLES, DESTRUCTION. In this picture, it can be a gesture to a huge problems, destruction, and they has just few times to fulfill their Agendas.


[I will post previous The Economist magazine's cover pages decoded messages. 

Then you will understand how this cover page has predictions about Future world situations, Economy. You also can match the present situation along with the decoded messages of previous magazines. Wait for me. I know it's late. But it's okay, you can also match the present situation with this hidden predictions.]




We have to remind it. And we have also keep belief in GOD. HE is creator of the universe. without HIS permission, even winds cannot be blown. No one cannot see the future. Only GOD can see it. HE IS THE BEST PLANNER.



   [Everything of the given logic, is a conspiracy, and those are given by conspiracy theorists. Every people can describe the conspiracies with his own logic. Using your own logic after reading conspiracies is highly appreciated. 

Thanks ]


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