Do you remember about the 9/11 's historical incident?
The one of the biggest terrorist attack in the World. 
This 9/11 incident is not only historical but also mysterious. 
On 11th September, 2001 FOUR planes of US hijacked by 19 al-Qaeda terrorists and 2 planes of them crashed into the World Trade centre complex towers, one of them crashed into the US military's headquarter of defense (Pentagon) and one of them float  toward Washington D.C but crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. That is the story of 9/11's incident. 
And now let start the TRUTH ➡️

First of all, all the conspiracy theorists believe that  it is a preplanned conspiracy of World ELITES. And US Government was involved in that But it's very mysterious than the conspiracies. Because the proofs are open for all. But nobody has not to do with it. 

Lets talk about the TRUTH,
American government officials planned it 58 years ago, 1962. The plan named "OPERATION NORTHWOOD" which was proposed by 'U.S department of Defense', and the 'in charge of Joint Chiefs of staff' of US Government 'Lyman L. Lemnitzer' in 1962. And other US Government agencies were involved in this TOP SECRET operation.
This Top Secret Declassified documents was published online by some officials in 2001. Previously these docoments were published publicly by 35th President of US John F Kennedy on 18th November,1997.

Remember it was a Top Secret plan of US defense officials and the 'ELITES' but it was found when a investigation going on by some officals.
"A total of 1,521 pages of once-secret military records covering 1962 to 1964 were concomitantly declassified by said Review Board." --Wikipedia: Operation Northwood 

Now you have to know about what was proposed in this TOP SECRET operation, 
■ Operation Northwoods was a proposed false flag operation against the Cuban government. (Cuba in 1959 and North Eastern countries were very powerful in that time, US Corporate and Elites and Government have to take over Cuban Governmen, FIDEL CASTRO) 
■ The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or other U.S. government operatives to both stage and actually commit acts of terrorism against American military and civilian targets, blaming them on the Cuban government, and using it to justify a war against Cuba.(They make a proposal of a false attack on American Civilians, Military, and Economic sectors. And giving any false proof of connection of the Cuban Government, and Middle East to justify a war against Cuba and Middle East.) 
■ The possibilities detailed in the document included the possible assassination of Cuban immigrants, 
♧sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, 
♧hijacking planes to be shot down or given the appearance of being shot down, 
♧blowing up a U.S. ship, and 
♧orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities. (They made some possibilities how can they make false attack on US civilians, Military).
But when President John Kennedy knows about this proposal of Operation Northwood. He rejected it and fired the General Military in charge Lyman. Because he didn't support this non humanistic proposal of harm own civilians of country to take over any enemy. 

After that, the real conspiracy started,
After rejection of Operation Northwood, the year end of 1963, 22th November, President John Kennedy was killed by fatal gunshot. 
Is that a coincidence? Don't think it tooo simply⚠️

And now remember the incident of 9/11, 
The plane attact on WTC (World Trade Centre) and on PENTAGON(U.S Defense Headquarter) and nearby civilization area on a single day. After that, US responses 》The KILLING OF 'SADDAM HUSSEIN' (The president of IRAQ) 》 The KILLING of 'MUAMMAR AL-GADDAFI' (The PM of LIBYA) 》THE FALL OF MIDDLE EASTS ( IRAQ, LIBYA ) 

Now, think that is not all the incidents of 9/11 similar like the proposals of 'Operation Northwood' ? Comment below. 

I haven't give any opinions of mine, all the opinions are given by conspiracy theorists, all the 'Top Secret' docoments, Agendas are public. You can also search about it very easily, just google 'Operation Northwood', you will get many articles on that. Major people believe in Wikipedia's article. 
So here is the link of 'Operation Northwood' in Wikipedia. All the details are detailed in this article. I also take many information here. 
Now it's your thinking,

   [Everything of the given logic, is a conspiracy, and those are given by conspiracy theorists. Every people can describe the conspiracies with his own logic. Using your own logic after reading conspiracies is highly appreciated. 
Thanks ]


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