    In my previous post I discussed the mystery of 9/11’s incident which was planned 58 years ago(1962). Hope you carefully read that if you have not read that post then here is the LINK. In my previous post i discussed about the top secret declassified file of ‘Operation Northwood’ which was published in 2001 publicly after the 9/11’s incident. We came to know from this file that American military heads and elites planned for a false attack on America by Cuban aircraft. But this proposal was rejected by America’s 35th president John F. Kennedy. But...after 39 years later you we can match 9/11’s incident and the proposals of ‘Operartion Northwood’. For more details please read my previous post. 

    Today i will discuss the 9/11’s ‘World Trade Centre’ attack incident. Major people does not know the mystery of the WTC attack. I discussed in my previous post that four hijacked planes were crashed in the cities of U.S. Two hijacked planes were crashed into the WTC buildings, one of them crashed into the U.S Defence Headquarter(Pentagon) and one of themone of them float toward Washington D.C but crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. 

       First of all you have to know the basic structures and locations of WTC buildings, 
WTC buildins are not one place, there has 7 WTC buildings, WTC 1 and WTC 2 are the two tallest buildings of WTC. And WTC 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 are located around the WTC 1 and 2. 
          We also have seen that image and videos of the collapsing of the WTC 1 and WTC 2 due to crashing of the two hijacked planes, but major people doesn't know about the collapse of WTC 7. WTC 7 is located behind the WTC 1 and 2. No plane has crashed into WTC 7. But it totally demolished. Do you know how is it possible? This process is called "CONTROLLED DEMOLITION". The term is a engineering term, and this process is used for destroying any tall building without affecting circumstances. In this process the building fall freely to the ground in 90° angle. In this process, the supporting pillars throughout the building have to damage by some type of chemical.

     And exactly these things were happened on that day. Three buildings were collapsed that day. Now this is the mystery, how did the WTC 7 collapsed? It can be fully a preplanned destruction which was proposed in 1962, the 'OPERATION NORTHWOOD'. After the incident President George Bush assigned a special team to investigate the incident, and they discovered 'Nano thermite chemical' in the dust of WTC, this chemical used to destroy any buildings, architectures(Control Demolition). For reference, i attached a video of a example of controlled demolition. [The video is collected from youtube channel TheLoizeauxGroupLLC, For more details about "controlled demolition", you can check out there Youtube channel].

       This is the most popular conspiracy theory because according to some local news of America, some weeks before the destruction, the local people of World Trade Centre area reported some complain on massive power breakdown for long time, transferring stuffs by van from the WTC.
             And one month before the incident, LARRY SILVERSTEIN, a American businessman, owned the lease of the WTC buildings for 99 years, and  exact one month before the destruction, Larry Silverstein bought an insurance for WTC buildings against 'TERRORISM ATTACK'. Can you imagine it, you have to think about it yourself. And not just that, Larry Silverstein's home was not far from the WTC buildings, and one of his interview he said that on that day, he went to a dentist and returned home by walk, he didn't took his car that day. And he forgot that his appointment was not today it was tomorrow. Think about it, a American big businessman suddenly turned his life simpler in just one day(The day of WTC attack).

And one strange thing is that a popular American news channel(can't show the channel name) announced the collapsing of WTC 7 building before it happened. Now thinking is yours. 

             After that, he claimed his insurance for his WTC buildings on the against of terrorist attack in court, and he said that WTC 7 was collapsed due to fire out from the destroyed part of WTC 1 and 2. And he wins 4.8 billion dollars of insurance money. For the three buildings. And i told earlier how the WTC 7 was destroyed. Now it's your thinking.

Please watch is video to know more about it LINK

   [Everything of the given logic, is a conspiracy, and those are given by conspiracy theorists. Every people can describe the conspiracies with his own logic. Using your own logic after reading conspiracies is highly appreciated. 
Thanks ]


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